Friday, October 27, 2023

Text-to-Speech & Recording.

Text-to-Speech and Speech Recording

Text-to-Speech and Speech Recording

Lector de Tiempo estimado

Reading Time Calculator

Estimated Reading Time:

0 minutes

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: center; } .container { background-color: #fff; border-radius: 8px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); margin: 20px auto; padding: 20px; max-width: 600px; } h1 { color: #333; } .input-container { margin-top: 20px; } label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; font-weight: bold; } textarea { width: 100%; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; } button { background-color: #007bff; color: #fff; padding: 10px 20px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 10px; } .result-container { margin-top: 20px; } #reading-time { font-size: 24px; color: #007bff; } document.getElementById("calculate").addEventListener("click", function() { const content = document.getElementById("content").value; const words = content.trim().split(/\s+/).length; const readingTime = Math.ceil(words / 200); // Assuming an average reading speed of 200 words per minute document.getElementById("reading-time").textContent = readingTime + " minutes"; });

WordPad HTML Example


Unit Converter with Styling

Units Converter

Unit Converter

GST Calculator

GST Calculator

GST Calculator

URL Shortener Simplified Version

URL Shortener

URL Shortener

Shortened URL:

SpeedTest Checker Tool Example

SpeedTest Checker Tool

SpeedTest Checker Tool

Text-to-Speech & Recording.

Text-to-Speech and Speech Recording Text-to-Speech and Speech Recording Enter Text: Select Language: ...